Hello everyone, please find the following frequently asked questions to our upcoming show.
You can click the category below to jump to questions in that section.

Convention Details

When and where is Brookyln Comic Con 2024?

Brooklyn Comic Con 2025 is taking place June 7-8, 2025 and will be located at 315 Meserole St, Brooklyn, New York.

What are the Show Hours?

The official BKCC 2025 show hours are as follows:

Saturday, June 7, 2025

Brooklyn Comic Con begins on Saturday with doors opening at 11:00 AM. The Convention Lasts until 7:00 PM. There is a 21+ Nightlife segment taking place on-site from 7:00 PM until around 1:30AM.

Sunday, June 8, 2025:

Doors Open at 11:00AM. The Convention lasts until 7:00 PM. This concludes the convention.

Are booths and tickets available for BKCC 2025?

Yes, TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE! There are a limited number of booths still available.

To apply for a booth click here.

To buy tickets click here.

Do you have any details on after parties?

2025 Afterparty details are TBA! The after party segment is FREE for any BKCC 2025 badge holder. Dinner and ample places to sit and relax will be available at the show.

Show Attractions

Will there be panels?

Yes! Be on the lookout for upcoming programming and the form to submit to bring your panel idea to Brooklyn Comic Con.

Will there be video games?

Yes. And video game tournaments.

Is cosplay allowed? Will there be a cosplay contest?

Yes cosplay is allowed. There will not be a cosplay contest. Instead we will have a Cosplay Runway event on both Saturday and Sunday.

What is the Cosplay Runway?

The Cosplay Runway is an all-inclusive event where everyone who comes in cosplay and wants to participate can strut their stuff and parade down the runway surrounded by cheering fans and community! The experience will be captured by our official photo/video team and other members of the press!

Will there be night life / an after party?

Yes. We are planning a Saturday nightlife/after party component that is 21+. We are currently planning for the nightlife component of our convention to take place on site.

Artists and Vendors

How many badges do artists and vendors get with a booth?

Artist alley tables come with 2 vendor passes and Exhibitor/Vendor booths come with 4. Additional passes are available at $20 a piece. (Max 3 people per AA booth, and 5 people per vendor booth).

Do booths come with tables and chairs?

Yes, artist alley booths and vendor booths both come with one 6' table. Artist alley booths come with 2 chairs and vendors booths come with 4. Beyond the tables and chairs we provide you must provide your own. Please note artist booths only have room for 1 full length 6' table.

Will artists and exhibitors be indoors?

Yes. All artists and vendors will be located in the main hall in the heart of the action.

Will my booth be safe overnight?

At the end of convention hours, i.e. Saturday at 7:00PM, the main hall, with the area including all artist and vendor booths, will be closed and guarded overnight. So yes, it is safe to leave your booth set-up overnight.

Please note if you have anything of extreme rarity or value it is probably best practice to take it with you and secure it, otherwise everything is safe and secure.

Can you send me a copy/receipt of my invoice? How do I check it?

Invoices can be checked via the link in your email. The copy is kept online via that link. If you cannot find that link in your email or need to request a copy or verify your paid status, please email booking@bkcomiccon.com


Will this be an Indoor Event? Outdoor?

Brooklyn Comic Con 2025 will have both Indoor and Outdoor elements. We will utilize the best of both to make our event programming unique and suited for early summer!

Will there be places to sit?

Yes. We design our show to be accomodating and enjoyable all day long. This includes plenty of places and spaces to stop and rest. We will have plenty of seating for our attendees throughout the indoor and outdoor sections of our show.

What about bathrooms?

The Breeze has multiple bathrooms on each floor of the building. There will be directional signs and information. We have added staff to accommodate the convention crowds.

Will there be a bag check?

Yes. On the ground level there will be a bag check area. Bag check will last until 12:00AM midnight on Saturday (due to after party), and 7:00PM Sunday at end of show. You CANNOT leave bags overnight on Saturday!


Is cosplay allowed? Will there be a cosplay contest?

Yes cosplay is allowed. There will not be a cosplay contest. Instead we will have a Cosplay Runway event on both Saturday and Sunday.

What is the Cosplay Runway?

The Cosplay Runway is an all-inclusive event where everyone who comes in cosplay and wants to participate can strut their stuff and parade down the runway surrounded by cheering fans and community! The experience will be captured by our official photo/video team and other members of the press!

Are there rules to cosplay?

Cosplay is a community art form that is open to all. Tthere are certain things that are not permitted: No race-playing or costume portrayal of any ethnic group. No indigenious cerimonial items if they are not ancestral to you. No painting your skin or face to portray the skin-tone of another race of people. These rules of respect carry over to any portrayal of gender identity, ability, or other personal traits.

In addition and not withstanding to any rules, we reserve the right to ask anyone to change out of, or be removed from the convention if their cosplay is deemed unacceptable. We reserve the right to do so without reason or explanation. Keep our community inclusive, supportive, and safe.

Can I cosplay as Police, Military, SWAT or other public service figures?

No. There is no cosplay or costume permitted that portrays police, military, SWAT, fireman, EMS/EMT, doctor, nurses, medics or any other public service employee. The reason for this is promptly for likelihood of confusion.

Characters from series or original properties which take these forms are permitted if they are clearly understood and visibily portrayed to be a unique character, and clearly not a public service personnel. Any military looking characters, for example Raccoon City Police or Umbrella soldiers need to clearly and overtly display symbols or visual cues that are visible from a reasonable distance, that they are not public service employees of any time.

No non-character specific military, police, or public service worker uniforms are permitted.

Are props and weapons allowed?

All props are subject to security check. We reserve the right to deny any prop for any reason. Any prop must not be of a hard or heavy material, able to be used as a weapon of any sort. Also, this is very important to note: No toy guns, prop firearms, or realistic looking guns of any kind are allowed. They are a buzzkill.

Are toy guns, or prop fire-arms allowed?

No. No toy guns, prop fire-arms, or realistic appearing fire-arms of any sort are allowed. Even with the orange cap or anything else, including diffent colors, etc etc. Alien blasters or something obviously not a fire-arm may be permitted but subject to security and staff approval and keeping in conformity with prop rules overall.